Draft for Information Only
Classification of Living Organisms
The classification of living organisms by three domains:
All Living Organisms
Prokaryotes: Prokaryotes are the simplest living organisms of living things without a proper membrane-bound nucleus.
- Domain Bacteria:
- Kingdom Eubacteria: True Bacteria
- Domain Archaea:
- Kingdom Archaebacteria:
Eukaryotes: Eukaryotes are living organisms of
living things having cells with membrane-bound structures. i.e. a proper
membrane-bound nucleus.
- Domain Eukaryota or Eukarya: Eukaryotes are living organisms of living things having cells with membrane-bound structures. i.e. a proper membrane-bound nucleus.
- Unicellular Organisms: Unicellular Organisms are living organisms of living things with single cell.
- Kingdom Protozoa: Protista
- Phylum Protozans
- Class Ciliophora
- Class Mastigophora
- Class Sarcodina
- Class Sporozoa
- Phylum Euglenas
- Phylum Golden Algae and Diatoms
- Phylum Fire or Golden Brown Algae
- Phylum Green Algae
- Phylum Brown Algae
- Phylum Red Algae
- Phylum Slime Molds
- Kingdom Chromista: Microsopic algae
- Multicellar Organisms: Multicellar Organisms are living organisms of living things with more than one cell.
- Kingdom Plantae: Plants are organisms characterized by the photosynthess capability and cellulose-rich cell walls.
- Bryophyta
- Tracheophyta
- Pteridophyta
- Spermatophyta
- Gymnospermae
- Angiospermae
- Kingdom Animalia: Animal are organisms depending on plants or other animals for food and charcterized by not possessing cell walls or chlorophyll.
- Phylum Porifera: sponges
- Class Calcarea:
- Class Hexactinellida:
- Class Demospongiae:
- Phylum Cnidaria or Coelenterata: Cnidarians
- Class Hydrozoa: Hydroids, Hydromedusae, Siphonophores, Myxozoans
- Class Anthozoa: sea anemones, sea fans, corals
- Class Cubozoa: Cubomedusae
- Class Scyphozoa: jellyfish
- Phylum Platyhelminthes: acoelomates: flatworms, flukes and tapeworms
- Class Turbellaria: faltworms
- Class Monogenea: monogenetic flukes
- Class Trematoda: digenetic and aspidogastrean flukes
- Class Cestoda: tapeworms
- Phylum Nematoda or Nemata: Nematodes Pseudocoelomata: roundworms
- Class Adenophorea or Aphasmida:
- Class Secementea or Phasmida:
- Phylum Annelida: Annelids: segmented
- Class Polychaeta: Polychaetes: scaleworms, lugworms, sea mice, tubeworms
- Class Clitellata: Earthworms and leeches
- Phylum Mollusca: Mollusk have a muscular foot for locomotion, a mantle for cover the top of body and usually have a calcium carbonate hard shell. Oyster, Mussel, Clam, Squid and Octopus.
- Class Polyplacophora: Chitons
- Class Gastropoda: Snails and slugs
- Class Bivalvia: Clams, mussels, and cockles
- Class Cephalopoda: Octopuses, squids, and nautiluses
- Phylum Arthropoda: Arthopods
- Class Chelicerata:
- Arachnida: spiders, scorpions
- Merostomata: horseshoe crabs
- Pycnogonida: sea spiders
- Class Myriapoda: Chilopoda and Diplopoda
- Class Crustacea: Crustacean:
- Branchiopoda: pill bugs
- Remipedia
- Cephalocarida
- Maxillopoda
- Ostracoda
- Malacostraca: Crabs, shrimps, and lobsters
- Class Hexapoda:
- Insecta: The insects
- Entognatha: Wingless
- Phylum Echinodermata : Echinoderm
- Phylum Chordata Chordates
- SubPhylum Urochordata Choradates Tunicates
- Class Ascidiacea: sea squirts
- SubPhylum Cephalochordata Choradates Lancelets
- Class Leptocardii: Lancelets
- SubPhylum Vertebrate Choradates
- Fishes:
- Class Chondrichthyes: Cartilaginous Fishes. the sharks, rays, skates and chimaeras
- Class Osteichthyes: Fishes
- Class Amphibia: Amphibians
- Order Anura: the frogs and toads
- Order Caudata: the salamanders. A elongated, low-slung animals with lizard-form.
- Order Apoda or Gymnophiona: the Caecilians. A long, cylindrical, limbless animals with a snake- or worm-like form
- Class Reptilia: Reptiles
- Order Chelonia: turtles and tortoises
- Order Rhynchocephalia: tuataras
- Order Squamata: lizards and snakes
- Order Crocodylia: crocodiles and alligators
- Class Aves: Aves or birds
- Order Passeriformes: passerines
- Order Charadriiformes:
- Class Mammalia: Mammals
- Order Monotremes:
- Order Marsupials:
- Order Eutherians: placental mammals
- Family: Elephants, Aardvarks
- Family: Anteaters, Armadilos
- Family: Hippopotamuses, Whaies, Bats, Cattle, Deer, and Horses
- Family: Primates, Rodents, and Rabbits
- Genus
- Species
- Kingdom Fungi: Fungi are plant-like organism depending on organic matter from other organisms for food through decomposition or decay and characterized by not possessing chlorophyll..
- Phylum Zygomycota: Zygomycetes, bread molds
- Phylum Ascomycota: Ascomycetes, yeasts and sac fungi
- Phylum Basidiomycota: Basidiomycetes, club fungi
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ID: 150600008 Last Updated: 6/8/2015 Revision: 0