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  Collective Nouns
   Kinds of Collective Nouns
   Examples of Collective Nouns

Collective Nouns

In general, a collective noun is usually a word, in the singular, given in common to a collection of some things in a general sense. Some things can be every person, place, or thing of the same class or kind. A collective noun is neither used as a measuring unit, as a noun, nor used to describe the quantity or number of something, as an adjective. Collection noun is therefore a special case of common noun although collective noun is also a common word shared by all collections of things with same characteristics. In other words, a collective noun is used to name something collectively in a group form with descriptive information.

Although a collective noun is usually not related with the actual quantity or number of things, there are exceptions. The word pair is usually used to describe two things with a special relationship.  The word couple is sometime also used to describe two things with a special relationship.

Sometimes, some words in the singular, which is used to name a member of a group of things, are not collective noun. The word twin is only used to name either one of two babies that are born at the same time. The word parent is only used to name one's father or mother. These words are used as usual common words to describe specific things in a general sense.

Besides, some words in the plural, which is used to name a group of things, are not collective noun. The word cattle is used to name animals that are kept for their milk or meat. The word clothes is used to name things that are used to wear on a body. These word are used to describe the thing only,  but not the quantity or number. Therefore cattle may be described as a herb of cows also.

Collective nouns can be divided into four kinds according to the way of collecting or packing.

Kinds of Collective Nouns

  1. Grouping nouns: Countable people, animals, or things are collectively grouped together as one single body or unit for general or specific purpose or function.

  2. Unit nouns: Uncountable things are collectively described as one individual unit or object.

  3. Quantifying nouns: Countable or uncountable things are grouped together by quantity as one single body or unit in a container, at a formed shape, by a measurement, by a mass quantity, by a descriptive quantity, or by a related quantity.

  4. Qualifying nouns: Countable or uncountable things are grouped together by quality as one single body or unit in species, sort, kind, class, type, form, make, etc.

Examples of Collective Nouns

Examples of Collective Nouns

When a team is formed, members are usually new to each other.

In school, a class is a group of students who are learning together.

There is a flock of bird flying over the lake.


ID: 130900017 Last Updated: 12/25/2015 Revision: 1 Ref:



  1. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1961, A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students
  2. Nesfield, J.C., 1898, Manual of English Grammar and Composition

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