Draft for Information Only
Manim VMobject Codes in Mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py Import Class VMobject(Mobject) Configuration of VMobject Functions Class VGroup(VMobject) Functions Class VectorizedPoint(VMobject) Configuration Functions Class CurvesAsSubmobjects(VGroup) Functions Class DashedVMobject(VMobject) Configuration Functions Source and Reference
Manim VMobject
VMobject is a Vectorized Mobject. Vector graphics techniques are used to generate 2D graphics and 3D rendering in addition to a ordinary Mobject. A VMobject object is the key element used in Manim as a dummy vmobject container with base vmobject manipulating functions. A VMobject object focuses only on the internal structural design of a VMobject object.
Codes in Mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py
Available codes defined in manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py

Five classes, VMobject, VGroup, VectorizedPoint, CurvesAsSubmobjects, and DashedVMobject are defined.
ImportThe import defined in manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py:
import itertools as it
import sys
from colour import Color
from manimlib.constants import *
from manimlib.mobject.mobject import Mobject
from manimlib.mobject.three_d_utils import get_3d_vmob_gradient_start_and_end_points
from manimlib.utils.bezier import bezier
from manimlib.utils.bezier import get_smooth_handle_points
from manimlib.utils.bezier import interpolate
from manimlib.utils.bezier import integer_interpolate
from manimlib.utils.bezier import partial_bezier_points
from manimlib.utils.color import color_to_rgba
from manimlib.utils.iterables import make_even
from manimlib.utils.iterables import stretch_array_to_length
from manimlib.utils.iterables import tuplify
from manimlib.utils.simple_functions import clip_in_place
from manimlib.utils.space_ops import rotate_vector
from manimlib.utils.space_ops import get_norm
Class VMobject(Mobject)
class manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.VMobject(Mobject)version 19Dec2019
Configuration of VMobject
The configuration of a VMobject is defined in manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py
"fill_color": None,
"fill_opacity": 0.0,
"stroke_color": None,
"stroke_opacity": 1.0,
"stroke_width": DEFAULT_STROKE_WIDTH,
# The purpose of background stroke is to have
# something that won't overlap the fill, e.g.
# For text against some textured background
"background_stroke_color": BLACK,
"background_stroke_opacity": 1.0,
"background_stroke_width": 0,
# When a color c is set, there will be a second color
# computed based on interpolating c to WHITE by with
# sheen_factor, and the display will gradient to this
# secondary color in the direction of sheen_direction.
"sheen_factor": 0.0,
"sheen_direction": UL,
# Indicates that it will not be displayed, but
# that it should count in parent mobject's path
"close_new_points": False,
"pre_function_handle_to_anchor_scale_factor": 0.01,
"make_smooth_after_applying_functions": False,
"background_image_file": None,
"shade_in_3d": False,
# This is within a pixel
# TODO, do we care about accounting for
# varying zoom levels?
"tolerance_for_point_equality": 1e-6,
"n_points_per_cubic_curve": 4,
Functions defined in class Mobject are
- def get_group_class(self)
- # Colors
- def init_colors(self)
- def generate_rgbas_array(self, color, opacity)
- def update_rgbas_array(self, array_name, color=None, opacity=None)
- def set_fill(self, color=None, opacity=None, family=True)
- def set_stroke(self, color=None, width=None, opacity=None,
background=False, family=True)
- def set_background_stroke(self, **kwargs)
- def set_style(self,
- def get_style(self)
- def match_style(self, vmobject, family=True)
- def set_color(self, color, family=True)
- def set_opacity(self, opacity, family=True)
- def fade(self, darkness=0.5, family=True)
- def get_fill_rgbas(self)
- def get_fill_color(self)
- def get_fill_opacity(self)
- def get_fill_colors(self)
- def get_fill_opacities(self)
- def get_stroke_rgbas(self, background=False)
- def get_stroke_color(self, background=False)
- def get_stroke_width(self, background=False)
- def get_stroke_opacity(self, background=False)
- def get_stroke_colors(self, background=False)
- def get_stroke_opacities(self, background=False)
- def get_color(self)
- def set_sheen_direction(self, direction, family=True)
- def set_sheen(self, factor, direction=None, family=True)
- def get_sheen_direction(self)
- def get_sheen_factor(self)
- def get_gradient_start_and_end_points(self)
- def color_using_background_image(self, background_image_file)
- def get_background_image_file(self)
- def match_background_image_file(self, vmobject)
- def set_shade_in_3d(self, value=True, z_index_as_group=False)
- # Points
- def set_points(self, points)
- def get_points(self)
- def set_anchors_and_handles(self, anchors1, handles1, handles2, anchors2)
- def clear_points(self)
- def append_points(self, new_points)
- def start_new_path(self, point)
- def add_cubic_bezier_curve(self, anchor1, handle1, handle2, anchor2)
- def add_cubic_bezier_curve_to(self, handle1, handle2, anchor)
- def add_line_to(self, point)
- def add_smooth_curve_to(self, *points)
- def has_new_path_started(self)
- def get_last_point(self)
- def is_closed(self)
- def add_points_as_corners(self, points)
- def set_points_as_corners(self, points)
- def set_points_smoothly(self, points)
- def change_anchor_mode(self, mode)
- def make_smooth(self)
- def make_jagged(self)
- def add_subpath(self, points)
- def append_vectorized_mobject(self, vectorized_mobject)
- def apply_function(self, function)
- def scale_handle_to_anchor_distances(self, factor)
- #
- def consider_points_equals(self, p0, p1)
- # Information about line
- def get_cubic_bezier_tuples_from_points(self, points)
- def get_cubic_bezier_tuples(self)
- def get_subpaths_from_points(self, points)
- def get_subpaths(self)
- def get_nth_curve_points(self, n)
- def get_nth_curve_function(self, n)
- def get_num_curves(self)
- def point_from_proportion(self, alpha)
- def get_anchors_and_handles(self)
- def get_start_anchors(self)
- def get_end_anchors(self)
- def get_anchors(self)
- def get_points_defining_boundary(self)
- def get_arc_length(self, n_sample_points=None)
- # Alignment
- def align_points(self, vmobject)
- def get_nth_subpath(path_list, n)
- def insert_n_curves(self, n)
- def insert_n_curves_to_point_list(self, n, points)
- def align_rgbas(self, vmobject)
- def get_point_mobject(self, center=None)
- def interpolate_color(self, mobject1, mobject2, alpha)
- def pointwise_become_partial(self, vmobject, a, b)
- def get_subcurve(self, a, b)
Class VGroup(VMobject)
class manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.VGroup(VMobject)version 19Dec2019
Functions defined in class VGroup are
- def __init__(self, *vmobjects, **kwargs)
Class VectorizedPoint(VMobject)
class manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.VectorizedPoint(VMobject)version 19Dec2019
The configuration is defined in manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py
"color": BLACK,
"fill_opacity": 0,
"stroke_width": 0,
"artificial_width": 0.01,
"artificial_height": 0.01,
Functions defined in class VectorizedPoint are
- def __init__(self, location=ORIGIN, **kwargs)
- def get_width(self)
- def get_height(self)
- def get_location(self)
- def set_location(self, new_loc)
Class CurvesAsSubmobjects(VGroup)
class manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.CurvesAsSubmobjects(VGroup)version 19Dec2019
Functions defined in class CurvesAsSubmobjects are
- def __init__(self, vmobject, **kwargs)
Class DashedVMobject(VMobject)
class manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.DashedVMobject(VMobject)version 19Dec2019
The configuration is defined in manimlib.mobject.types.vectorized_mobject.py
"num_dashes": 15,
"positive_space_ratio": 0.5,
"color": WHITE
Functions defined in class DashedVMobject(VMobject) are
- def __init__(self, vmobject, **kwargs)
Source and Reference
https://github.com/3b1b/manim 19Dec2019
ID: 210700031 Last Updated: 7/31/2021 Revision: 0