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List of Collective Quantifying Nouns:
 By type of container collectively
 By shape of arrangement collectively
 By quantity of measurement collectively
  Weight of small amount
  Weight of large amount
 By an approximated numeral quantity collectively
 By a descriptive large amount collectively
 By a descriptive quantity collectively
 By a related qunatity collectively

List of Collective Quantifying Nouns:

  1. By type of container collectively

    1. bag
    2. barrel
    3. basket
      1. a basket of bread
      2. a basket of eggs
      3. a basket of flowers
      4. a basket of fruit
    4. bottle
    5. box open closebox" is something which is a container that is used to group something together inside the container as a collection.last updated 01 Mar 2015
      1. a box of books
      2. a box of candy
      3. a box of matches
      4. a box of soap
    6. can
    7. carton
    8. crate
    9. cup
      1. a cup of coffee
      2. a cup of soup
      3. a cup of tea
    10. keg
    11. pack open closepack" is something which is a collection of something that gathered or grouped together.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    12. packet
    13. sack
  2. By shape of arrangement collectively

    1. heap
      1. a heap of ashes
      2. a heap of blankets
      3. a heap of bones
      4. a heap of leaves
      5. a heap of rubble
      6. a heap of thing
    2. pile
      1. a pile of bills
      2. a pile of bodies
      3. a pile of bricks
      4. a pile of money
      5. a pile of rocks
      6. a pile of rubbish
      7. a pile of wood
  3. By quantity of measurement collectively

    1. Fluid

      1. gallon
        1. a gallon of beer
      2. liter
        1. a liter of beer
      3. litre
        1. a litre of beer
      4. pint
        1. a pint of beer
        2. a pint of blood
        3. a pint of gas
        4. a pint of milk
        5. a pint of oil
        6. a pint of wine
      5. quart
        1. a quart of beer
    2. Size

      1. foot
        1. a foot of cloth
        2. a foot of concrete
        3. a foot of material
        4. a foot of wire
      2. inch
        1. an inch of cloth
      3. meter
        1. a meter of cloth
      4. metre
        1. a metre of cloth
      5. yard
        1. a yard of cloth
    3. Weight of small amount

      1. gram
        1. a gram of butter
      2. kilo
        1. a kilo of butter
      3. kilogram
        1. a kilogram of butter
      4. ounce
        1. an ounce of butter
        2. an ounce of cheese
        3. an ounce of flour
        4. an ounce of gold
        5. an ounce of grown-up character
      5. pound
        1. a pound of butter
    4. Weight of large amount

      1. ton
        1. tons of songs
        2. a ton of aluminium
        3. a ton of bricks
        4. a ton of ore
        5. a ton of sewage
      2. tonne
        1. a tonne of aluminium
  4. By an approximated numeral quantity collectively

    1. dozens
    2. hundres
      1. hundreds of times
    3. millions
    4. scores
    5. thousands
  5. By a descriptive large amount collectively

    1. load open closeload" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped for carrying load.last updated 01 Mar 2015
      1. a load of fuel
      2. a load of garbage
      3. a load of junk
      4. a load of money
      5. a load of stuff
    2. loads
      1. loads of friends
      2. loads of money
      3. loads of things
      4. loads of work
    3. mass
      1. a mass of blood
      2. a mass of detail
      3. a mass of material
      4. a mass of stuff
    4. masses
      1. masses of homework
      2. masses of money
      3. masses of people
  6. By a descriptive quantity collectively

    1. bowlful
    2. earful
    3. fistful
    4. handful
      1. a handful of people
    5. mouthful
    6. pocketful
    7. spoonful
    8. teaspoonful
      1. one teasponnful of olive oil
  7. By a related qunatity collectively

    1. couple open closeA group of two persons who are considered as a married or engaged pair, or lovers.last updated 21 Feb 2015
      1. a couple of babies
      2. a couple of ballons
      3. a couple of boys
      4. a couple of days
      5. a couple of examples
      6. a couple of hours
      7. a couple of kids
    2. pair open closepair" is something which is a collection of something that consist of two similar things gathered or grouped together.last updated 01 Mar 2015
      1. a pair of arms
      2. a pair of eyes
      3. a pair of glasses
      4. a pair of groves
      5. a pair of hands
      6. a pair of pants
      7. a pair of pilers
      8. a pair of scissors
      9. a pair of shoes
      10. a pair of socks


ID: 161200104 Last Updated: 12/19/2016 Revision: 0 Ref:



  1. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1961, A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students
  2. Nesfield, J.C., 1898, Manual of English Grammar and Composition

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