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VBScript Methods of PreDefined Object

VBScript methods predefined Objects are provided for increasing the functionality of VBScript.

NameApplied toReviewDescriptionAtEndOfLine PropertyTextStream Objectlast updated 17 Dec 2017is to return a Boolean value indicating the file pointer of associated TextStream Object is positioned immediately before the end-of-line marker with True or is not with False.AtEndOfStream PropertyTextStream Objectlast updated 17 Dec 2017is to return a Boolean value indicating the file pointer of associated TextStream Object is at the end of file with True or is not with False.Attributes PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to set, if optional newattributes is given and attribute is a read/write attribute, or to return the attributes of a folder or file of associated Folder or File Object.AvailableSpace PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 14 Dec 2017is to return the amount of space available to a user on a drive or network share of associated Drive Object.Column PropertyTextStream Objectlast updated 17 Dec 2017is to return the column number of the current character position in a line of a file of associated TextStream ObjectCompareMode PropertyDictionary Objectlast updated 09 Dec 2017is to set, if optional comparenew is given, or to return the comparison mode for comparing string keys of associated Dictionay Object.Count PropertyDictionary Object, Drives Collection, Files Collection, Folders Collection, Matches Collectionlast updated 09 Dec 2017is to return the read-only number of elements in the associated Collection or Object.DateCreated PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the date and time that the folder or file of associated Folder or File Object was created.DateLastAccessed PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the date and time that the folder or file of associated Folder or File Object was last accessed.DateLastModified PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the date and time that the folder or file of associated Folder or File Object was last modified.Description PropertyErr Objectlast updated 10 Dec 2017is to set, if optional stringexpression is given, or to return the Description Property Value of Err Object.Drive PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the drive letter of a drive on which the folder or file of associated Folder or File Object resides.DriveLetter PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 14 Dec 2017is to return the drive letter of a drive or a network share of associated Drive Object.Drives PropertyFileSystemObject Objectlast updated 14 Dec 2017is to return a Drives Collection consisting of all Drive objects available in the file system.DriveType PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 14 Dec 2017is to returns a value indicating the type of a Drive of associated Drive Object.Files PropertyFolder Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return a Files Collection consisting of all File objects including those with hidden and system file attributes in a folder of associated Folder Object,FileSystem PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return the type of file system in use for the drive of associated Drive Object.FirstIndex PropertyRegExp Object, Match Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to return the position in a search string where a match of associated Match Object occurs.FreeSpace PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return the amount of free space available to a user on a drive or network share of associated Drive Object.Global PropertyRegExp Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to set, if optional Boolean value True or False is given, or to return a Boolean value of Global property of associated RegEXp Object indicating a pattern should match all occurrences with True or just match the first one with False in an entire search string.HelpContext PropertyErr Objectlast updated 10 Dec 2017is to set, if optional contextID is given, or to return the context ID for a topic in a Help File of Err Object.HelpFile PropertyErr Objectlast updated 10 Dec 2017is to set, if optional contextID is given, or to return the fully qualified path to a Help File of Err Object.IgnoreCase PropertyRegExp Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to set, if optional Boolean value True or False is given, or to return a Boolean value of IgnoreCase property of associated RegEXp Object indicating a pattern search is case-sensitive with False or not case-sensitive with True.IsReady PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return a Boolean value indicating the drive of associated Drive Object is ready with True or is not False.IsRootFolder PropertyFolder Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return a Boolean value indicating the folder of associated Folder Object is a root folder with True or is not with False.Item PropertyMatches Collection,last updated 09 Dec 2017is to return the read-only item of an element in the associated collection or Object according to the specified keyItem PropertyDictionary Objectlast updated 09 Dec 2017is to set, if optional itemnew is given, the item of an element with the specified key, or to create if the specified key is not found, an element with key, itemnew, or to return the item with the specified key in associated Dictionary Object.Key PropertyDictionary Objectlast updated 09 Dec 2017is to set the specified key of an element with the specified keynew key, or to create if the specified key is not found, an element with empty item in associated Dictionary ObjectLength PropertyRegExp Object, Match Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to return the length of a match of associated Match Object found in a search string.Line PropertyTextStream Objectlast updated 17 Dec 2017is to return the current line number in a file of associated TextStream Object..Name PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to set, if optional newname is given, or to return the name of a folder or file of associated Folder or File Object.Number PropertyErr Objectlast updated 10 Dec 2017is to set, if optional errornumber is given, or to return numeric Number value of Err Object.ParentFolder PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the parent folder of a folder of file of the associated Folder or File Object.Path PropertyDrive Object, Folder Object, File Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return the path of a drive, folder, or file of associated Drive, Folder, or File Object.Pattern PropertyRegExp Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to set, if optional searchstring is given, or to return the pattern being searched for of associated RegExp Object.RootFolder PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return a Folder object representing the root folder of a drive of associated Drive Object.SerialNumber PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return the decimal serial number used to uniquely identify a disk volume of a drive or a network share of associated Drive Object.ShareName PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to returns the network share name of a drive of associated Drive Object.ShortName PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the short name of the associated Folder or File Object for programs require the earlier 8.3 naming convention.ShortPath PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the short path of the associated Folder or File Object for programs require the earlier 8.3 naming convention.Size PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the size in btyes of a folder including all files and subfolders, or a file of corresponding associated Folder or File Object.Source PropertyErr Objectlast updated 10 Dec 2017is to set, if optional stringexpression is given, or to return the Source Property of Err Object containing the object or application name that originally generated the error.SubFolders PropertyFolder Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to retrun a Folders collection of all folders including those with hidden and system file attributes set inside a folder of associated Folder Objecter.SubMatches PropertyRegExp Object, Match Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to return all submatches of associated Match Object in form of SubMatches Object, called SubMatches Collection..TotalSize PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to return the total space in bytes of a drive or network share of associated Drive Object..Type PropertyFolder Object, File Objectlast updated 16 Dec 2017is to return the type of a folder or file of associated Folder or File Object..Value PropertyRegExp Object, Match Objectlast updated 11 Dec 2017is to return the value or text of a match of associated Match Object found in a search string.VolumeName PropertyDrive Objectlast updated 15 Dec 2017is to set, if optional newname is given, or to return the volume name of a drive of associated Drive Object.


ID: 180600013 Last Updated: 6/13/2018 Revision: 0

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