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Applications of Gavotte Ramdisk
   Application Examples:
   Paging file:

Applications of Gavotte Ramdisk

Gavotte Ramdisk is used to speed up the accessing time for those frequently accessed data. Ramdisk is most suitable for storing those less important temporary data to improve the system performance because data in Ramdisk will be lost when the computer is switched off.

Application Examples:

  1. Paging file:

    Windows system files, pagefile.sys act as a virtual memory extension of system RAM of a computer. Moving the paging file from the harddisk to Gavotte Ramdisk can be done by:

    1. Through 'System Properties' setup by right click 'My Computer' and select the 'Advanced' tab.

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      Click 'Settings' of 'Performance' Group to open 'Performance Options' and select 'Advanced' tab again.

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      Click the 'Change' button of 'Virual memory' group to open the 'Virtual Memory' and check the ramdisk, e.g. Drive R: is in the list box.

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      Select the ramdisk, e.g. Drive R: in the list box, then click the 'Custom size' radial button to define the size of paging file. Enter the Initial size, e.g. 512, and Maximum size, e.g. 2048, and click 'Set' button to confirm the size of ramdisk before the paging file can  take effect.

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      Check the paging file size of corresponding drive is undated. Then click 'OK' button to continue. And the 'total paging file size for all drives' in the 'Virtual memory' group is updated also. Click 'OK' to exit if no other modification is needed.

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    2. Or using the utility program, addswap.exe, from Gavotte Ramdisk to create a pagefile.sys file. e.g. addswap r:\pagefile.sys 512 2047.

    3. After creating the paging file in the ramdisk, all paging files can be removed from all harddisk by setting them to 'no paging file' as before.

      select the corresponding drive and click the 'no paging file' radial button.

      image image

      Click 'Set' button to remove the paging file and check the paging file size of the  corresponding drive should be cleared. Continue to remove other paging file or click 'OK' to continue. A 'restart your computer before they can take effect' warning message will pop up and click 'OK' to continue.

      image image

      Then Click 'OK' ... 'OK' to exit the paging file setting. A 'Do you want to restart your computer now?' message box will pop up.Click 'OK' to restart the computer. Or click 'No' to continue working and restart the computer later.

    4. A pagefile.sys can be found in the Ram disk.




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