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List of Collective Nouns: People

  1. amalgamation open closeamalgamation" is something which is the mechanism of some mixing or combining processes that combines or mixes two or more things together to form a new thing.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. an amalgamation of metallurgists open closean amalgamation of metallurgists" is something which is a group of metallurgists that have a strong energy or enthusiasm of interest in the amalgamation of two or more metal together to form a new alloy.last updated 01 Mar 2015
  2. ambush
    1. an ambush of widows
  3. annoyance open closeannoyance" is something which is the state of somebody that is of being annoyed or made slightly angry.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. an annoyance of neighbours open closean annoyance of neighbours" is something which is a group of neighbours that are of being annoyed.last updated 01 Mar 2015
  4. anorak
    1. an anorak of trainspotters
  5. army open closearmy" is something which is a group of something that is equipped for fighting.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. an army of soldiers
  6. audience open closeaudience" is something which is a group of people that has an intense interest on watching, listening, reading someone's play, film, speaking, book, film, etc.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. an audience of listeners
    2. an audience of people
  7. audit
    1. an audit of bookkeepers
  8. babble
    1. a babble of barbers
    2. a babble of linguists
  9. balance open closebalance" is something which is the state of something that things on either sides are of equal weight.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a balance of accountants
  10. band open closeband" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of something sharing the same interests or beliefs, or joining together for a special purpose.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a band of men
    2. a band of robbers
  11. banner
    1. a banner of knights
  12. bench
    1. a bench of aldermen
    2. a bench of bishops
    3. a bench of judges
    4. a bench of magistrates
  13. bevy
    1. a bevy of alcoholics
    2. a bevy of beauties
    3. a bevy of ladies
  14. blackening
    1. a blackening of shoemakers
  15. blast
    1. a blast of hunters
  16. blush
    1. a blush of boys
  17. board
    1. a board of directors
    2. a board of trustees
  18. bodge
    1. a bodge of DIYers
  19. body open closebody" is something which is a group of something that is formed to do something together as a group.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a body of pathologists
  20. box open closebox" is something which is a container that is used to group something together inside the container as a collection.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a box of cricketers
  21. brace
    1. a brace of dentists
  22. brigade
    1. a brigade of soldiers
  23. caravan
    1. a caravan of desert travelers
  24. cast open closecast" is something which is a collection of something that is a group of something being chosed or selected, or casted, threw or dropped.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a cast of actors
    2. a cast of players
  25. cavalcade
    1. a cavalcade of horsemen
  26. chapter
    1. a chapter of canons
  27. choir
    1. a choir of singers
  28. class open closeclass" is something which is a collection of something that meet together for receiving education.last updated 09 Mar 2015
    1. a class of students
  29. clique
    1. a clique of photographers
  30. clutch
    1. a clutch of breasts
    2. a clutch of car mechanics
  31. colony open closecolony" is something which is a group of something that live together as an individual separating from others.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a colony of lepers
  32. company open closecompany" is something which is a collection of something that gather together forming a distinct group in a community.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a company of actors
    2. a company of capitalists
    3. a company of girl guides
    4. a company of players
    5. a company of soldiers
  33. complex open closecomplex" is something which is a collection of something that are linked or connected together in a complicated ways or grouped together with same attribute related to complex.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a complex of psychologists
  34. compromise open closecompromise" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with same attribute related to compromise.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a compromise of mediators
  35. conflagration
    1. a conflagration of arsonists
  36. congregation
    1. a congregation of churchgoers
    2. a congregation of people
    3. a congregation of worshippers
  37. conjunction
    1. a conjunction of grammarians
  38. converting
    1. a converting of preachers
  39. corps
    1. a corps of anatomists
  40. cortege
    1. a cortege of mourners
  41. coven
    1. a coven of witches
  42. crew open closecrew" is something which is a collection of something that come together for a particular job or type of work.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a crew of sailors
  43. crowd open closecrowd" is something which is a collection of something that gather together in a disorganized or unruly way:last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a crowd of onlookers
    2. a crowd of people
  44. cry open closecry" is something which is a collection of something that group together and often making loud noises or high sounds to express an emotion.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a cry of actors
    2. a cry of players
  45. curse open closecurse" is something which is a collection of something that group together to carry out a job like performing simple magic tricks.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a curse of painters
  46. cutting
    1. a cutting of cobblers
  47. decanter
    1. a decanter of deans
  48. decorum
    1. a decorum of deans
  49. den
    1. a den of thieves
  50. diffidence
    1. a diffidence of introverts
  51. dignity
    1. a dignity of canons
  52. diligence
    1. a diligence of messengers
  53. disguising
    1. a disguising of tailors
  54. division open closedivision" is something which is a collection of something that group together as a separated part of a larger group.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a division of soldiers
  55. drunkship
    1. a drunkship of cobblers
  56. eloquence
    1. an eloquence of lawyers
  57. exaggeration
    1. an exaggeration of fishermen
  58. expectation
    1. an expectation of heirs
    2. an expectation of midwives
  59. faculty
    1. a faculty of academics
  60. faith open closefaith" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to the faithfulness of thing.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a faith of merchants
  61. fanfare
    1. a fanfare of strumpets
  62. feast open closefeast" is something which is a collection of something that group together and are related to a special or a large meal for many people.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a feast of brewers
  63. fellowship open closefellowship" is something which is a collection of something that group together having the same fellowship.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a fellowship of yeomen
  64. flock
    1. a flock of tourists
  65. flush
    1. a flush of lavatories
    2. a flush of plumbers
  66. following
    1. a following of stalkers
  67. function
    1. a function of undertakers
  68. gaggle
    1. a gaggle of women
  69. galaxy
    1. a galaxy of beauties
    2. a galaxy of cosmologists
    3. a galaxy of governesses
  70. gang
    1. a gang of hoodlums
    2. a gang of labourers
    3. a gang of prisoners
    4. a gang of thieves
    5. a gang of workmen
  71. giggle
    1. a giggle of girls
  72. glozing
    1. a glozing of taverners
  73. goring
    1. a goring of butchers
  74. grid
    1. a grid of electricians
  75. hastiness
    1. a hastiness of cooks
  76. herd
    1. a herd of harlots
  77. horde
    1. a horde of misers
  78. house open closeA physical structural object that is a free-standing residential building and is usually occupied by only one household or family.last updated 20 Feb 2015
    1. a house of senators
  79. illusion
    1. an illusion of magicians
    2. an illusion of painters
  80. impatience
    1. an impatience of wives
  81. incredulity
    1. an incredulity of cuckolds
  82. intrigue
    1. an intrigue of council members
  83. linkage
    1. a linkage of webmasters
  84. load open closeload" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped for carrying load.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a load of cobblers
  85. malapertness
    1. a malapertness of pedlars
  86. melody
    1. a melody of harpists
  87. misbelieving
    1. a misbelieving of painters
  88. mob open closemob" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together in an disorganized way.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a mob of people
  89. morbidity
    1. a morbidity of majors
  90. muster
    1. a muster of soldiers
  91. neverthriving
    1. a neverthriving of jugglers
  92. nucleus
    1. a nucleus of physicists
  93. number open closenumber" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with profession related to number.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a number of mathematicians
  94. obeisance
    1. an obeisance of servants
  95. observance
    1. an observance of hermits
  96. obstruction
    1. an obstruction of dons
  97. optimism
    1. an optimism of youths
  98. orchestra
    1. an orchestra of musicians
  99. pack open closepack" is something which is a collection of something that gathered or grouped together.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a pack of Brownies
  100. panel
    1. a panel of experts
  101. picket
    1. a picket of strikers
  102. pity open closepity" is something which is a collection of something that are grouped together with difficult situation.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a pity of prisoners
  103. platoon
    1. a platoon of soldiers
  104. ponder
    1. a ponder of philosophers
  105. portfolio
    1. a portfolio of stockbrokers
  106. posse
    1. a posse of police
    2. a posse of sheriffs
  107. poverty open closepoverty" is something which is the concept of a condition that is the time when someone lacks the usual or socially acceptable amount of money, food or other material possessions, or the state of being poor or extremely poor.last updated 28 Feb 2015
    1. a poverty of pipers
  108. promise open closepromise" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered or grouped together characterized bycertainly do something.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a promise of barmen
  109. prudence
    1. a prudence of vicars
  110. psalter
    1. a psalter of bishops
  111. rascal
    1. a rascal of boys
  112. revelation
    1. a revelation of flashers
  113. riches
    1. a riches of matrons
  114. rout
    1. a rout of knights
  115. row open closerow" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together for rowing or in form of a linelast updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a row of oarsmen
  116. school open closeschool" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with discipline as in a school.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a school of clerks
  117. scolding
    1. a scolding of seamstresses
  118. scoop
    1. a scoop of journalists
  119. sentence open closesentence" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with character of given a judge.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a sentence of judges
  120. shower open closeshower" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with profession of atmosphere or weatherlast updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a shower of meteorologists
  121. shrivel
    1. a shrivel of critics
  122. shuffle
    1. a shuffle of bureaucrats
  123. side open closeside" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together as a team side by side.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a side of morris dancers
  124. simplicity open closesimplicity" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with character of innocence.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a simplicity of subalterns
  125. skirl
    1. a skirl of pipers
  126. slate
    1. a slate of candidates
  127. sneer
    1. a sneer of butlers
  128. squad
    1. a squad of beaters
    2. a squad of soldiers
  129. stack
    1. a stack of librarians
  130. staff open closestaff" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together and work for the same organization.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a staff of employees
  131. stalk
    1. a stalk of foresters
  132. subtlety
    1. a subtlety of sergeants at law
  133. superfluity
    1. a superfluity of nuns
  134. syndicate
    1. a syndicate of capitalists
  135. tabernacle
    1. a tabernacle of bakers
  136. talent
    1. a talent of gamblers
  137. team open closeteam" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered or grouped together to do something.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a team of athletes
  138. thought open closethought" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with the character of standing around closely.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a thought of barons
  139. tribe open closetribe" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with the character of related families.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a tribe of natives
  140. troop
    1. a troop of boy scouts
    2. a troop of soldiers
  141. troup
    1. a troup of performers
  142. troupe
    1. a troupe of acrobats
    2. a troupe of artistes
    3. a troupe of dancers
    4. a troupe of minstrels
    5. a troupe of performers
  143. virtue open closevirtue" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together with the character of obtaining good result from something.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a virtue of patients
  144. worship open closeworship" is something which is a collection of something that are gathered together having a character of love or admire one's work very much or too much.last updated 01 Mar 2015
    1. a worship of writers


ID: 150500009 Last Updated: 5/9/2015 Revision: 0 Ref:



  1. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V., 1961, A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students
  2. Nesfield, J.C., 1898, Manual of English Grammar and Composition

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