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ContentCSS Page Design
CSS Page DesignCSS page design is one kind of graphic design by making use of typography, visual enhancement, and page layout techniques to create a visual CSS compositions. In general, typography is concerned with the design elements that applied to the letters and text, while visual enhancement is concerned with the design elements other than letter and text. Page layout is concerned with the overall effective positioning and arrangement of page elements. However, the coding of CSS page design is usually designed accroding to the whole page layout including visual CSS enhancement forms and patterns, the inline layout including inline visual CSS enhancement forms, and aesthetic design including typography, colour and other visual CSS enhancements. CSS Page LayoutCSS page layout is concerned with the main frame structure of the CSS model tree. Therefore the CSS coding is mainly focused on the manipulation of discrete flowing containers and block level inline flowing containers. The visual CSS enhancement forms and patterns are usually considered as part of the main frame structure. CSS Inline LayoutCSS inline layout is concerned with the detailed structure of the CSS model tree. Therefore the CSS coding is mainly focused on the manipulation of inline flowing containers. The visual CSS enhancement forms are usually considered as part of the detailed structure. CSS Aesthetic DesignCSS aesthetic design is concerned with CSS typography, color and other CSS visual effects, that is the letter, text, color and visual effects of the CSS model tree. Therefore the CSS coding is mainly focused on the manipulation of inline visual properties of CSS containers. ©sideway ID: 190400020 Last Updated: 4/20/2019 Revision: 0 Ref: References
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