InternetUnicode HTML Element Tags Draft for Information Only
HTML HeadThe elements of Head Section
Code Sample:
<title>TITLE</title> <isindex> <base href=""> <script type="text/javascript" src="test.txt"></script> <style type="text/css">p {text-align: center}</style> <meta name="keywords" content="html, javascript"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <object id="shapeobject" data="data.shape"> no support object</object> ..... </head>
open tag: <title> end tag: </title>
The <title> element is used to define the title of an HTML document and is required for all HTML document. The content of the <title> element is also used as the window title of the browser.
child elements:
( #PCDATA ) -( <script> | <style> | <meta> | <link> | <object> )
lang dir
open tag: <isindex> end tag: ---
The <isindex> element is used to define the HTML document type is an index document. The <isindex> element also instruct the browser to create a input field for the user to key in words for the index search.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir prompt
open tag: <base> end tag: ---
The <base> element is used to define a default base reference of an external source for a specificed target. Therefore the <base> element must appear before any element that refers to an external source.
child elements:
( href | href ) target
open tag: <script> end tag: </script>
The <script> element is used to define a division for the scripting language of the contained scripting statements or an external source for the client-side scripting.
child elements:
( "CDATA" )
charset type language src defer
open tag: <style> end tag: </style>
The <style> element is used to define the style rules for the HTML document.
child elements:
( "CDATA" )
lang dir type media title
open tag: <meta> end tag: ---
The <meta> element is used to define the metadata information or the identify properties of a HTML document.
child elements:
lang dir http-equiv name content scheme
open tag: <link> end tag: ---
The <link> element is used to define the link of an external resource for conveying the relationship information to the HTML document by the browser.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir charset href hreflang type rel rev media target
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <object> end tag: </object>
The <object> element is used to define a division for rendering an embedded object by including an object link and specifying its external application in the HTML document.
child elements:
( <param> | ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) )*
id class style title lang dir declare classid codebase data type codetype archive standby height width usemap name tabindex align border hspace vspace
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
Optional tag
Optional Element or Content Occurrence Character: (+) one or more; (*) zero or more; (?) zero or one times; ( ) exactly once Choice or Sequence Element or Content : (|) or (&) and (,) sequence (+) include (-) exclude ©sideway ID: 100800028 Last Updated: 3/12/2011 Revision: 3 Ref: References
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