InternetUnicode HTML Element Tags Draft for Information Only
HTML FramesetThe Elements of HTML Frame Section
Code Sample:
<frameset cols="50%,50%" rows="50%,25%,25%">
<FRAME src="frame_row1_co11.html"> <FRAME src="frame_row1_co12.html"> <FRAME src="frame_row2_co11.html"> <FRAME src="frame_row2_co12.html"> <frameset cols="50%,50%"> <FRAME src="frame_row3_co11.html"> <FRAME src="frame_row3_co12.html"> </frameset> <FRAME src="frame_row3_co13.html"> <noframes> No frame support. </noframes> </frameset>
open tag: <frameset> end tag: </frameset>
The <frameset> element is used to contain multiple HTML documents in one HTML document within the same window. The <frameset> element only defines the arrangement of HTML documents. Each HTML document is hold by a <frame> element. The multiple views arrangement allows the management of each HTML document individually in a web page. Therefore the <body> element cannot be used together with the <frameset> in the same level.
child elements:
( ( <frameset> | <frame> )+ & ( <noframes> )? )
id class style title rows cols
onload onunload
open tag: <frame> end tag: ---
The <frame> element is used to define a frame division for the contents of link specified by the src attribute inside the frameset of the HTML document.
child elements:
id class style title longdesc name src frameborder marginwidth marginheight noresize scrolling
open tag: <noframes> end tag: </noframes>
The <noframes> element is used to define an alternate section for rendering in the HTML document when frames are not supported by the browser or the contents inside the <frames> element are not rendered.
child elements:
( ( ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) ) )* | ( ( <body> ) -( <noframes> ) ) )
id class style title lang dir
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
Optional tag
Optional Element or Content Occurrence Character: (+) one or more; (*) zero or more; (?) zero or one times; ( ) exactly once Choice or Sequence Element or Content : (|) or (&) and (,) sequence (+) include (-) exclude ©sideway ID: 100800034 Last Updated: 3/12/2011 Revision: 2 Ref: References
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