InternetUnicode HTML Element Tags Draft for Information Only
Child ElementsThe Child Elements of Other Elements
Code Sample:
<applet code="output.class" width="50" height="50">
<PARAM name="parm1" value="applet"> no Java applet support; </applet><br> <object data="data.shape"> <PARAM name="parm2" value="object"> no support object </object> <ol> <li>one</li> <li>two</li> </ol> <ul> <li>first</li> <li>second</li> </ul> <dir> <li>firstdir</li> <li>seconddir</li> </dir> <menu> <li>firstmenu</li> <li>secondmenu</li> </menu> <dl> <dt>one</dt> <dd>the first one</dd> <dt>two</dt> <dd>the second one</dd> </dl> <table border="1" width="150" > <caption>table caption</caption> <colgroup span="2" align=center> <col align=right> <thead> <tr> <th>name</th> <th>qty</th> <th>cost</th> </tr> </thead> <tfoot> <tr> <td>total</td> <td>3</td> <td>5</td> </tr> </tfoot> <tbody> <tr> <td>A</td> <td>1</td> <td>2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>B</td> <td>2</td> <td>3</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <fieldset><legend>grouped fields</legend> item:<input type="text"><br> Desc:<input type="text"><br></fieldset> <img src="" alt="sideway" usemap="#navmap"><br> <map name="navmap"><area shape="rect" coords="0,0,102,43" href=""></map><br> option seletion: <select name="D1"> <optgroup label="english"> <option value="option">Option A</option> <option value="option">Option B</option> </optgroup> <option value="option">Option 1</option> </select><br> <!-- comment --><br>
open tag: <param> end tag: ---
The <param> element is used to define the required parameters or variables for an <object> or <applet> element. The required <param> elements should be enclosed by the related <object> or <applet> element and be placed at the beginning of the element text contents.
child elements:
id name value valuetype type
open tag: <li> end tag: </li>
The <li> element is used to define a list item for an <ol>, <ul>, <dir> or <menu> element. All <li> elements should be enclosed by the related <ol>, <ul>, <dir> or <menu> element.
child elements:
( ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) )*
id class style title lang dir type value
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <dt> end tag: </dt>
The <dt> element is used to define a term for an <dl> element in the HTML document. All <dt> elements should be enclosed by the related <dl> element. In general, the <dt> element should start before the <dd> element in the definition list.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <dd> end tag: </dd>
The <dd> element is used to define a description of an term for an <dl> element in the HTML document. All <dd> elements should be enclosed by the related <dl> element. In general, the <dd> element should start after the <dt> element in the definition list.
child elements:
( ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) )*
id class style title lang dir
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <caption> end tag: </caption>
The <caption> element is used to define a table caption for an <table> element in the HTML document. The <caption> element should be enclosed by the related <table> element and zero or only one <caption> element is allowed for one <table> element. Besides, the <caption> element should be placed after the <table> start tag before rending of any element content.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir align
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <colgroup> end tag: </colgroup>
The <colgroup> element is used to define a group of column formats in a table. The <colgroup> element should be enclosed by the related <table> element and the <colgroup> element should be placed after the <caption> element before rending of other element content except the <col> element.
child elements:
( <col> )*
id class style title lang dir span width align char charoff valign
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <col> end tag: ---
The <col> element is used to define a column format of column(s} in a table. The <col> element should be enclosed by the related <table> element. It can be used as the child element of <colgroup> element or used as the child element of <table> element. Similarly the <col> element should also be placed after the <caption> element before rending of any element content except the <colgroup> element.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir span width align char charoff valign
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <thead> end tag: </thead>
The <thead> element is used to define the header section of a table to group all header content row cells of a table. The <thead> element should be enclosed by the related <table> element and zero or only one <thead> element is allowed for a <table> element and it should be placed after all <col> and <colgroup> element.
open tag: <tfoot> end tag: </tfoot>
The <tfoot> element is used to define the footer section of a table to group all footer content row cells of a table. The <tfoot> element should be enclosed by the related <table> element and zero or only one <tfoot> element is allowed for a <table> element and it should be placed after the <thead> element before rending of any element content.
child elements:
( <tr> )+
id class style title lang dir align char charoff valign
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <tbody> end tag: </tbody>
The <tbody> element is used to define a body section to group the continuous body content rows with same attributes in a table. The <tbody> element should be enclosed by the related <table> element and one or more <tbody> element are allowed for a <table> element and it should be placed after the <tfoot> element before rending of any element content. The <tbody> element tag is required when there is the present of <thead> element and <tfoot> element.
child elements:
( <tr> )+
id class style title lang dir align char charoff valign
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <tr> end tag: </tr>
The <tr> element is used to define a row section of a table by grouping the corresponding table cells together.
child elements:
( <th> | <td> )+
id class style title lang dir span width align char charoff valign bgcolor
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <th> end tag: </th>
The <th> element is used to define a section as a header cell of a table for containing header information.
open tag: <td> end tag: </td>
The <td> element is used to define a section as a data cell of a table for containing individual table cell data.
child elements:
( ( ( <p> | ( <h1> | <h2> | <h3> | <h4> | <h5> | <h6> ) | ( <ul> | <ol> | <dir> | <menu> ) | ( <pre> ) | <dl> | <div> | <center> | <noscript> | <noframes> | <blockquote> | <form> | <isindex> | <hr> | <table> | <fieldset> | <address> ) | ( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) ) ) )*
id class style title lang dir abbr axis headers scope rowspan colspan align char charoff valign nowarp bgcolor width height
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <legend> end tag: </legend>
The <legend> element is used to define the enclosed text content as the caption of a <fieldset> element.
child elements:
( ( #PCDATA ) | ( <tt> | <i> | <b> | <u> | <s> | <strike> | <big> | <small> ) | ( <em> | <strong> | <dfn> | <code> | <samp> | <kbd> | <var> | <cite> | <abbr> | <acronym> ) | ( <a> | <img> | <applet> | <object> | <font> | <basefont> | <br> | <script> | <map> | <q> | <sub> | <sup> | <span> | <bdo> | <iframe> ) | ( <input> | <select> | <textarea> | <label> | <button> ) )*
id class style title lang dir accesskey align
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <area> end tag: ---
The <area> element is used to define a clickable area section inside a image area map defined by a <map> element.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir shape coords href target nohref alt tablindex accesskey
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup onfocus onblur
open tag: <optgroup> end tag: </optgroup>
The <optgroup> element is used to define a section to group related choices of a selection list for a <select> element together.
child elements:
( <option> )+
id class style title lang dir disable label
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <option> end tag: </option>
The <option> element is used to define a choice or option of a selection list for a <select> element.
child elements:
id class style title lang dir selected disabled label value
onclick ondbclick onmousedown onmouseup onmouseover onmousemove onmouseout onkeypress onkeydown onkeyup
open tag: <!-- end tag: -->
The <!--...--> element is used to define a document commenting division which is not for content rendering in the HTML document
child elements:
( plain text ) -( "--" )
Optional tag
Optional Element or Content Occurrence Character: (+) one or more; (*) zero or more; (?) zero or one times; ( ) exactly once Choice or Sequence Element or Content : (|) or (&) and (,) sequence (+) include (-) exclude ©sideway ID: 100800035 Last Updated: 3/8/2011 Revision: 2 Ref: References
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